We built the race track around the NSC Olympiysky and organised the Championship of Ukraine

Чемпіонат України з кільцевих перегонів на НСК Олімпійський


18 September 2004 – for the first time in history the Formula race car summited Ai-Petri (1234 m above the sea level)

Рекордний заїзд на гору Ай-Петрі на автомобілі Формула-1600


20 September 2006 – the Formula race car outraced the L-29 jet plane during the Aviasvit-ХХІ avia show

20 вересня 2006 року Сергій Малик на автомобілі «Естонія 25» у трьох заїздах обігнав на 1200-метровій дистанції реактивний літак Л-29 «Дельфін»


For the first time ever the British Council and Kyiv automotoclub organised Diplomats Rally


We brought to the Dakar 2008 the first national race team on the national race truck KrAZ

Ми вивели на старт «Dakar 2008» першу національну команду на вітчизняному вантажному автомобілі КрАЗ


On 15 February 2014 on Sonyachne Lake in Kyiv we set three national speed records:

  • On the Formula race car Serhii Malyk reached the speed of 112 km/h
  • On a motorbike Anatoly Yefimov reached the speed of 116 km/h
  • Karting pilot Roman Pastushenko set the speed record of 104 km/h

During the Avia Show in Zhytomyr Serhii Malyk set the national record on the F-3 race car – The longest distance of synchronous movements of the F-3 race car and YAK-52 plane


In 2016 in Rakhiv — the geographic center of Europe — we took 5 stones engraved with words «Ukraine is Europe» in official languages of the EU. These stones were placed at the extreme points of the European continent during the Motor expedition «Ukraine is Europe» (32,000km around Europe)


In 2017 during the Bonneville Speed Week Serhii Malyk set the world speed record 73.041 m/h (116.86 km/h) on the KMZ Dnipro motorcycle in the 650 М-РВG class


At the 70th Bonneville Speed Week in 2018 Serhii Malyk set another world speed record on the Dnepr Electric motorbike – 103.995 m/h (167.36 km/h)

Рекорд швидкості на мотоциклі «Дніпро» у Bonneville Salt Flats в 2017 році


To participate in the 71th Bonneville Speed Week in 2019 the КМАМК Team built the revolutionary electric bike The Spirit of Ukraine. It is still one-of-a-kind in the World: the engine delivers 300 kW at the peak, 300+ hp, 90 kg Li-ion batteries and 650 kg of aluminium.
Unfortunately, the rain that rained for several days made the legendary route unsuitable for races


In June 2020 the KMAMK Team made the motorcycle run “Ukraine far and wide” on the electric motorcycle Dnepr Electric. The motorcycle run started at the easternmost geographic point of Ukraine – Rannya Zorya (prev. – Chervona Zirka) in Luhansk oblast and finished at Solomonovo (Salamon) – the westernmost geographic point of Ukraine in Zakarpatska oblast.
Totally Serhii Malyk drove on the Dnepr Electric motorcycle 2,700 km, the distance of 1,700 km was registered as the National record.

Мотопробіг "Україна від краю до краю"


On 12 August 2021 at the Bonneville Speed Week Serhii Malyk on the Dnepr Electric motorcycle set the new world speed record in the “A” Omega class — 107.217 m/h (172.55 km/h)

The KMAMK Team on the Ukrainian car ZAZ-965 finished in the high-prestige retro rally — Rallye Monte-Carlo Classique. The Team received the special award from the L’Automobile Club de Monaco.


KMAKM team raises Ukrainian flag at prestigious Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique 2024